Glowing Skin @Home: DIY Brown Sugar Scrubs
“I’m notorious for raiding my mom’s kitchen for my DIY Home spa ingredients; Dhampur Green’s Muscovado Sugar being my favourite! My mother uses it for her baking, but I use on my body! When I first opened the jar and got a whiff, I wanted to eat the delicious-smelling soft golden sugar! I love how all the ingredients are natural. My brown sugar body scrub appeals to all my friends as its without parabens, mineral oil, or chemicals. This beauty treatment is easy, good for your skin, low maintenance and super cheap! …….…………Tagging #dhampurgreen on my insta for the recipe!” -Blossom A. S
Did you know that scrubbing with natural chemical-free molasses sugar can instantly make your skin glowing? Well, our customers keeping teachings us new things they do with our products!
No marks for guessing that brown sugar is the kitchen ingredient that can give you a flawless radiant skin! Say goodbye to those expensive exfoliators on store shelves and spa visits, that you may feel that keeping up with good skincare pinches a big hole in your wallet!
Muscovado sugar is a low maintenance scrub that works wonders. A pack of brown sugar is amazingly affordable and can last multiple showers! It keeps the wallet happy, skin ravishing, and bathroom sweet-smelling! While muscovado sugar is magical for making cakes and desserts, it is also the best brown sugar scrub for face exfoliation and brightness.
How it works?
Molasses-rich muscovado brown sugar naturally exfoliates, with its Glycolic acid (an alpha-hydroxyl acid) and removes dead cells. Plus, you can sneak a taste while treating yourself to an at-home spa experience. It hydrates the skin and promotes healthy skin cleansing and circulation. Those prone to acne can opt for muscovado brown sugar facials to prevent acne and pimples, and to capture that perfect selfie with glowing skin. Dhampur Green’s muscovado sugar’s soft, fine, and molasses-rich particles exfoliate your skin, clearing away dry and dead skin cells. This helps create a smoother skin and lends a youthful glow. With its anti-bacterial properties and glycolic acid, it keeps your skin radiant and healthy while moisturizing it.
Salt Scrub or Sugar Scrub? Full body or face?
A typical sugar scrub consists of large sugar crystals. Now, this can be harsh for the skin. The idea is to massage these granules into your skin to remove debris and dead skin cells. Salt scrubs are sometimes counter-productive to the skin as the large sizes of the grain, like Epsom salt, can cause microscopic tears. Muscovado sugar is gentler on skin than sea salt or Epsom salt or ordinary brown sugar. Since it has very small and soft particles, it is gentler and safer, making it ideal for sensitive skin.
Here's our customer Blossom’s tried & tested recipe, in her own words!
- 1/2 cup Dhampur Green Muscovado sugar
- 1/2 cup oil of your choice, such as coconut, jojoba, olive, almond, or grapeseed (I use a mix)
- Sweet-smelling essential oils (optional)
- A dash of turmeric (for added disinfection)
- Coffee grounds (if you’re a coffee fan like me)
A small quantity of coffee in the brown sugar scrub for face brightness will help provide a superior glow to your skin. Coffee contains caffeine, which reduces the effects of cellulite. Combined with Muscovado sugar, it creates an excellent scrub.
- Combine Muscovado sugar, turmeric, and oils in a mixing bowl.
- Mix thoroughly to get the consistency right.
- If desired, add one or two drops of your favourite essential oil, and stir it into the mixture.
- Spoon in some coffee grounds!
- When you’re satisfied with the consistency and fragrance of your scrub, spoon it into a container.
Another customer Malaika G. says,
“I sometimes squeeze in some lemon juice. The powerful combination of lemon and brown sugar enhances the skin and makes it look younger. The small portion of lemon juice works as an antioxidant for the skin. Packed with Vitamin C, which helps repair skin damage. perfect balance of pH levels, making it an ideal choice for sensitive skin.”
A warm Brown Sugar scrub smells delicious and can be used at home as a relaxing spa treatment to exfoliate dead skin cells from your body and also works as a body polisher.
Points to note:
Don’t use just any brown sugar. Dhampur Green’s Muscovado Sugar has been tried by customers to work! Due to the rough texture of sugar crystals of other brands, results may be different! Also, you should avoid using sugar scrubs on any areas of irritation, wounds, and rashes as they could further exacerbate these conditions.
Talk to a dermatologist if you experience any side effects after using any scrub.
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